Crawling, a natural human movement which we culturally outgrow as we progress to a world built for adults who stand and sit.

Anything past planking, crawling and push-ups for strengthening one’s shoulder girdle in a pushing position is ultimately rehab or specialization; These further tools will be aimed at someone experiencing a limitation or engaging in a personal or performative pursuit.


I can do a one arm push-up and some other skills we might delve into in the future but this is more for the enthusiast rather than those pursuing “well-ness.”


Start with a variation and practice 5 steps in each direction

  1. Bear Crawl

  2. Elephant Walk

  3. Crab Walk

  4. Side Crab

As you become familiar with these locomotive patterns and continue building pushing strength, you may also consider approaching hand-balancing such as crow or even the beginning variations of handstand may be approachable once a foundation has been built in crow.

Perhaps most important. Don’t ignore developing your push-up among the most important pushing skill.

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