Squat and Lunge should be mastered before progressing

A major limit of traditional Yoga-asana can be found in the attempt to build a strong hip girdle. Nevine Michaan’s teaching “Your hips are your stability and your shoulders your ability” foreshadowed the journey Ido Portal’s words “Your hip-girdle responds to load and your shoulders to complexity” would send me down.


This is an important distinction between these two major junctures of the body. Though it is possible to walk on one’s hands, the shoulder girdle isn’t “designed” for this task and to once again quote Ido “you always pay a price for specialization.” Just because we can do a thing doesn’t mean it is “good” for us.


The hips on the other hand are built to carry our bodies long distances over rough terrain, so honestly if you want to do the next best thing from the exercises I have already listed as warm ups:

Start taking walks in the woods, a park, a beach or if all else is unavailable the city streets and (if your knees allow) climbing stairs. For those of you unable to get access outdoor and ideally varied terrain, perhaps the following will help. I also think methodical movement such as what follows is most important when rehabbing from a minor injury, noting foot placement and improving ankle stability while lessening impact.

Variations in Video (chose a variation you can do 5x in a row for 5 separate sets)

1. Bulgarian Split Squats

2. Step Ups - pistol squats

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