“Couples are wholes and not wholes, what agrees disagrees, the concordant is discordant. From all things one and from one all things.”


“Everything that originated from the tree of knowledge carries in it duality”


February is upon us friends. The second month of the year being a good time to give recognition to the dyad. Inside the circle of unity exists a center and with this recognition two is born. We all seem to be searching for an experience of union, frequently with blinders on. Even when we search with great intention, spiritual teachers remind us to stop looking and notice the reality of union always in the now of presence. Many who lived for the spirit of the New Year and a new beginning have already reverted to familiar habits, preferences that affirm a continuous “self;” the “1” “I” independent of the “♾️.” While duality may be illusion and transient when considering the universe, a paradox is encountered when considering our individual existence: “all” in existence is relationship. Polarity creates tension and through the push and pull experienced in relationship something new is born, a third... What will the third thing be? If the polarity is experienced as conflict, war and devastation will be its spawn. If the polarity is reciprocity and compromise, we may be blessed by a more benevolent offspring. I historically refrain from intentions and goal-setting in January. With little knowledge of the ground represented in a “new” “unified” state of beginning, it feels more appropriate to enter the January energetic-world as an infant. I empty myself as best I can. Fasting from all but meditation for a time and then restricting some of the things that held a pull of personality in the previous year. February starts to initiate a recognition of the dyad present for me after the confetti of “Happy New Year!” clears. The reality of conflicts and agreements becomes more apparent and one can more aptly choose to vibrate in dissonance or harmony.


February initiates with the old Celtic holiday of Imbolc/Saint Brigid’s Day indicating a midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The birth of the “King” (Sun) in mythological terms is yet to occur, but the belly of the “Great Mother” (Earth and Sky) is experiencing noticeable growth and so “i mbolg” translates to “in the belly.” For decades I have chosen to observe the day by watching the sun rise and considering what I want to become. Last year I considered how I wanted to be a better friend than I had felt in recent years past. There were successes; an old wound healed and an important old friend was able to forgive and be forgiven. We met a third time in a year a week ago and expressed our love, gratitude and admiration for one another. Another friend was told of secret wounds incurred years ago and so a relationship was able to grow beyond the shadows of past regrets and contemptuous misgivings. There were also short comings, months of fearing how to deal with challenging truths and so communication lay silent. This year I feel an inclination to make stronger efforts at harmony. Not silence, an absence of resonance. Harmony that exists when two or more strings vibrate in close proximity. In music many of the most beautiful harmonies are experienced when a dissonance resolves. Unison may resonate but it will move no-one to action. Allowing difference to be apparent, I’ll find ways for these to be more pleasing to the ear and the spirit. Spring is a time for action, and while spring/birth is coming - winter is still upon us. Honor the emergent light and the opportunities it may provide but respect the imminent darkness and consider lighting a small candle for Saint Brigid or any other archetype of the Great Mother that fosters and hopes for who you might become.



While shuffling my tarot deck and considering our collective gestation, (our becoming), this morning I dropped a card which felt more appropriate than any I could have intentionally and thoughtfully pulled. “The Fool” stared up at me from the floor, a representation of movement from unity to duality in all the ignorance and purity that this character exemplifies. As the fool rushes into a journey of possibility, they know and care little of what fate awaits them. The journey may find ecstasy and it may arrive at devastation; regardless The Fool’s instinctual efforts will guide them into a world where anything is possible. “The Magician” exists as a polarity to “The Fool;” where The Fool doesn’t consider their actions, leaving results to chance - “The Magician” is methodical in considering a desired outcome, planning and executing. Both may find a spectacular end, but one is driven by the forces around them while the other attempts to drive what can be controlled. Which will you be?



Below I’ve included an image of last years sun rise, as well as an image of The Fool and The Magician from the Thoth Tarot deck created by Aleister Crowley and drawn by Lady Frieda Harris. One last image is a piece drawn by my partner Kaeti Frady of Root and Branch Bodywork, her own beautiful artistic representation of the energy of The Fool’s capricious Capricorn spirit leaping into the unknown.

The above blog was originally shared via my patreon on February 1st, 2023. For $5 a month I share 2 writings on spiritually esoteric subjects applied to present moment.

Sunrise in Roxborough, PA; February, 1, 2022

The Fool: Thoth Tarot Deck

The Magus/Magician: Thoth Tarot

🎨: Kaeti Frady
